Dori Felanda, Siti Maimunah, Amelia Rahmi


PT. Dolan Artha Mustafa is a company engaged in pest control services that earn revenue from the sale of pest control services, the existence of an income accounting information system is very important to assist management in producing a quality and accurate company revenue information system, the authors take the title of applying accounting information systems service revenue at PT. Dolan Artha Mustafa.

Based on the description above, the authors conducted a study by submitting the title: ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR INCOME SERVICES IN. DOLAN ARTHA MUSTHAFA. The purpose of the preparation of this final assignment is to find out the service revenue information system from PT. Dolan Artha Mustafa. In the preparation of this final assignment the author uses field studies and documentation studies to obtain the data needed for the process of preparing the Final Project author.

PT Dolan Artha is a company engaged in pest control services, PT. Dolan Artha Mustafa obtained in cash, there are 3 sources of income for PT. Dolan Artha Mustafa, namely: Termite Control, Rodent Control and Fumigation. The document used is related to the service revenue accounting information system of PT. Dolan Artha Mustafa is in the form of: Internal SPK, Daily SPK, Proof of Treatment, Invoice and Receipt. Functions or related sections of service revenue accounting information systems at PT. Dolan Artha Mustafa, namely: Marketing Officer (MO), Executive Officer (SO), Technicians and Finance.

Broadly speaking, the revenue system applied by PT. Dolan Artha Mustafa is quite good, but PT. Dolan Artha Mustafa has not yet created a flowchart related to the service revenue accounting information system, as for suggestions that the author can submit to PT. Dolan Artha Mustafa for the future in order to consider the flowchart that the author made from the results of interviews with the company that was in accordance with the direction of the company to be input for PT. Dolan Artha Mustafa.


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