Meli Deranti, Sri Hartini, Fredi Andria


In 2019 the government has the target to be achieved is Universal Health Coverage (UHC). UHC is a
health system that ensures that every citizen in the population has fair access to health services by
promoting (Promotive), Preventive (Preventive), Healing (Curative), and Recovery (Rehabilitative),
which is of quality at affordable costs. This coverage contains two core elements, namely access to fair
and quality health services for every citizen and financial risk protection. Based on the participation target
data of the National Health Insurance the percentage of participation in 2019 must reach 80% already
covered in the Health BPJS, if seen from the consolidation of the District Health Office in the Bogor area
the population density reaches 16.4 million for the Bogor Regency according to the Central Bureau of
Statistics bogor more than 70% but the participation rate is still low,only reaching 30%.
The purpose of this study was to describe the constraints of the national health insurance program for
informal sector workers in the city, especially in the city of Bogor and what efforts were made by the
BPJS Health so that the 2019 UHC target was reached and to find out whether informal sector workers
were able to participate in the health insurance program. UHC 2019.
The research method used was by field survey, observation, interviews with 100 respondents who were
in 6 sub-districts in the city of Bogor and literature study. The results showed that in order to achieve the
2019 UHC target it was influenced by several constraints based on the results of WEKA 3.8 processing,
there were 5 obstacles including information on the places to receive BPJS Health participants, BPJS
Health Program socialization, contributions applied to BPJS Health participants, service facilities &
infrastructure existing health and availability of medicines, which are the constraints that must be
considered by the Bogor City Health BPJS. In addition, if you look at the results of the descriptive
analysis of the constraints, which are many informal sector workers who do not want to set aside income
per month in case of illness, only a few respondents set aside their funds. As many as 17% of respondents
(17 of the total respondents) , have special funds that are deliberately set aside in case of emergencies or
just in case when sick and as many as 83% (83 people) do not set aside funds for their needs if they are
sick on the grounds of income they are small and run out for other purposes and when sick informal
workers choose to go to a health center that has a cheap and affordable cost, where 62% (62 people)
answer they choose to go to a health center and only a few choose to go to clinic / doctor practice
as much as 18% (18 people).
Based on the category of the number of dependents of the respondent’s family in 6 sub districts, the
respondents claimed to have quite a number of family dependents. 85% (85 respondents) claimed to have
a family of 1-5 people. Only a small percentage of 15% respondents ( 15 people) do not have a number of
dependents. In principle, with a sufficient number of dependents on the respondent’s family, the
respondent who acts as a breadwinner automatically has a heavy burden in trying to support his family.


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