Alternatif Kreatif Desain adalah tujuan dari penelitian ini, menghitung nilai cost saving yang terjadi dalam perencanaan biaya total proyek setelah dilakukan analisis Value Engineering (VE) dan Analisis total penghematan biaya total proyek yang telah direncanakan sebelumnya dengan biaya total proyek yang sudah dilakukan analisis Value Engineering (VE). Ada 5 tahap-tahap Value Engineering (VE) yaitu tahap informasi, tahap kreatif, tahap analisa, tahap pengembangan dan tahap presentasi dengan menggunakan metode cost model, breakdown, analisis fungsi, metode zero-one untuk mencari bobot, metode zero-one untuk mencari indeks dan matrik evaluasi. Dalam analisis Value Engineering (VE) yang diterapkan pada pekerjaan struktur atas yaitu pelat lantai pada proyek pembangunan Apartemen Klapa Village Tower B Jakarta Timur maka dipilih alternatif yaitu mengubah metode Aluma System menjadi metode Halfslab sebagai alternatif terbaik. Hasil analisis Value Engineering memperoleh nilai harga sebesar Rp.,76, besar penghematan yang didapat Rp.2.644.676.044,30 dari biaya awal sebesar Rp.289.936.017.217,00, setelah dilakukan analisis Value Engineering (VE) menjadi Rp.287.291.341.173,00 sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa analisis Value Engineering (VE) pada proyek pembangunan Apartemen Klapa Village Tower B Jakarta Timur dapat menghemat biaya pekerjaan yang direncanakan. Akan lebih baik jika analisis Value Engineering (VE) dijadikan usulan untuk mengifisienkan biaya dalam perencanaan
Kata kunci: Halfslab, Pelat Lantai, Value Engineering
The purpose of this research is to choose a creative design alternative, to calculate the value of the cost savings that occur in planning the total project cost after a Value Engineering (VE) analysis is carried out and an analysis of the total cost savings of the total project that has been planned previously with the total cost of the project that has been carried out by Value analysis Engineering (VE). There are 5 stages of Value Engineering (VE) namely the information stage, the creative stage, the analysis stage, the development stage and the presentation stage using the cost model method, breakdown, function analysis, zero-one method to find weights, zero-one method to find evaluation index and matrix. In the Value Engineering (VE) analysis applied to superstructure work, namely floor slabs in the East Jakarta Klapa Village Tower B Apartment development project, an alternative was chosen, namely changing the Aluma System method to the Halfslab method as the best alternative. The results of the Value Engineering analysis obtained a price value of Rp. 20,057,156,652.76, the amount of savings obtained was Rp. 2,644,676,044.30 from the initial cost of Rp. 289,936,017,217.00, after Value Engineering (VE) analysis was carried out it became Rp. 287,291,341,173.00 so that it can be concluded that Value Engineering (VE) analysis on the Klapa Village Tower B Apartment development project in East Jakarta can save planned work costs. It would be better if the Value Engineering (VE) analysis was used as a proposal in the planning stage so that the planned costs could be streamlined.
Keywords: Halfslab, Floor Slab, Value Engineering
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